App Profile: Proloquo Coach

Android / Games / Puzzles
Proloquo Coach
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Reviews: What People Think About Proloquo Coach
Rating: 5/5
We have only had the app a couple of days but I can already tell this is going to be a game changer. We have been trying to find a good AAC device for a couple years. Between the speech company staff changes, trialing devices/programs and the COVID shut down it took us 2years to finally settle on a device that wasn’t too bulky and Proloquo2Go. The week after we ordered the device the speech company informed me that our SLP had quit. Off to greener pastures. I was happy for her but we were without a speech therapist…again. The device arrived and I scoured the internet and Facebook for ideas. We made progress but I was sure there was more we could do. Then I signed up for a webinar with one of the AAC mom Facebook groups I follow. She was showing off the new proloquo app. Since we had Proloquo2go and they were obviously not the same I almost signed off but then she mentioned the coaching app….I am suddenly all in. It took me a couple weeks to look at it because we had already had the other app. But I am so glad I did. The support is amazing! They respond within minutes even to small things like reviewing the chapters. I also get messages from them asking about how I’m doing with a particular task in the training. They are fun and even speak my language of the GIF. 😂 We just recently finally got a new SLP and she is just amazed at the level of support too. We haven’t switched to the Proloquo app with my son yet but both she and I are excited to start.
Rating: 5/5
The coach app sets Proloquo part so much. I would not recommend any other app to families. Seriously. Thanks to Proloquo my toddler has a large vocabulary that he can’t otherwise speak or sign.
ManCity Fun
Rating: 5/5
Thanks for a great addition to proloquo!
About Proloquo Coach
AssistiveWare Proloquo Coach is Proloquo’s companion app available at no additional cost. It is designed to guide and support parents starting with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Your skills are central to your child’s communication. Using easy step-by-step activities and articles, Proloquo Coach will help you become a better AAC partner. Requires a Proloquo plan.

A guided start into AAC
Proloquo Coach’s learning and practice chapters will help you build your skills and knowledge of AAC. Be the best AAC partner for your child.

Practice makes perfect
Practice the right thing at the right time and set good communication routines with personalized feedback and insights.

You are not alone
Our in-app support team can answer your questions and share more tips and tricks if you feel stuck.
File size: 58748928
Launched countries: UAAUNZ
Minimum OS version: 16.4
Release Date: 1647327600000
Published by AssistiveWare
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Publisher country: Netherlands
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