App Profile: CrowsNest Card Game

Android / Games / Puzzles
CrowsNest Card Game
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Reviews: What People Think About CrowsNest Card Game
Daniel S 78
Rating: 4/5
My favorite of the games offered is buckeye because it is the traditional rook I have played all my life. However, I have 2 complaints it keeps trying to make me Shoot the moon and that is nearly never a reasonable move. Make it so that you can’t accidentally choose to shoot the moon. Secondly I hate the way the computerized partner plays: when you have the bid won he keeps raising the bid against his own partner and often without a strong hand. Also when he has taken the bid and you play a 1 or other winning card to allow him to get rid of his off suits he will trump your card and turn around and play an off suit card that allows the opponent to win one or more tricks (several times this idiotic play has caused us to go set). The whole idea is for a partner to help you have a stronger hand but stupid moves like listed above can often cripple you and lead to bad hands or loss of the game. Please make the players partner a smarter player that complements his player not a loner who plays not as a teammate but contradicts his partner. Thanks for your help.
Rating: 4/5
You need someone who knows the game to fix a few things. One example: If I’m winning the round with the highest card, my partner will trump me and play an off suit that the other team wins. The partner should throw off there lesser cards. They should never bump up your bid if the other team has passed. I believe it’s set up like each player is playing there own game and not a partner game. Still fun though.
Rating: 3/5
I haven’t played this game in a while and decided that I would play today. When I opened the app up everything looks totally different than it did six months ago. Did anything change or am I playing the Rook app? If it did change, I like the old look better along with the option to restart the game after cards have gone out and while you’re playing a game. And another thing is that the app doesn’t fit the iPhone screen. Someway somehow it should adjust to the screen size. It is much bigger than my screen, and I cannot see my cards on the sides nor the scores. Also, and most importantly, can you please put the current game score points on the screen. It’s a guessing game trying to figure out how many points they have and you have during and while you’re playing a hand!
About CrowsNest Card Game
CrowsNest is the app developer's favorite version of Rook®, and is the default. It is identical to Kentucky Discard, with two strategic exceptions: (1) the Crow card is the lowest trump; (2) when declarer's team achieves the bid they receive the bid amount, not total points captured. 

Other classic Rook® versions available for play are: (1) Tournament Rook (a.k.a. Kentucky Discard); (2) Partnership Rook; (3) 1-High Partnership; (4) The Red 1; (5) Buckeye.

CrowsNest is a partnership card game for 4 players, "We" team vs. "They" team. You and your computerized partner (top of screen) are the We team. Computerized Opponent Left and Opponent Right form the They team. All 3 computerized players have identical "skill". The winning difference is up to you!

The CrowsNest card deck consists of 4 suits identified by color, plus a "Crow" card which is always the lowest "Trump" card. Each suit contains cards numbered 5 thru 14. The 5's (5 points), 10's (10 points), and 14's (10 points) are "Counters", creating 25 points per suit. Additionally the Crow card is worth 20 points, making a total of 120 points in the deck. (The Crow card can optionally be removed from the deck, in which case there are 100 points.)

1. Play begins by sequentially dealing the cards, 9 to each player and 5 to the "Nest" (4 if the Crow card is not used). Player to the left of the "Dealer" begins the "Bid" process by committing to a total his/her team will capture of the 120/100 points available. Minimum opening Bid is 70 and subsequent Bids must be in multiples of 5, up to 120/100. Players may "Pass" at any time, but then cannot re-enter bidding. Bidding continues until all but one player has passed. If all players pass on the opening round the cards are re-dealt by the same Dealer.

2. Player with the highest Bid (the "Declarer") temporarily adds the Nest to his/her hand, and then discards back into it any 5/4 cards from the combined hand. Counters discarded into the Nest are added to the score of the team that captures the last "Trick" of the hand. Finally, Declarer chooses the "Trump" suit for the hand now to be played. If in use, the Crow card becomes the lowest Trump card.

3. Player to the left of the Dealer leads a card to begin the first Trick. Play continues clockwise around the table to the remaining 3 players. Players must play a card of the lead suit when they have one, except the Crow card may be played at any time. Players out of the lead suit are free to play any card. Highest card in the lead suit wins the Trick, unless card(s) of the Trump suit have been played. In that case the highest Trump card wins the Trick. Player winning the Trick captures the value of any Counters for his/her team, and leads a card to begin a new Trick.

4. After all cards have been played the hand ends. Counters in the Nest are added to the team winning the last trick, and Trick points won by each team are tallied. Team that opposed the Declarer receives the total of their points. If Declarer's team achieved or exceeded the Bid they receive the amount of their Bid. However if Declarer's team total falls below the Bid, they receive no credit for points won and the Bid amount is deducted from their score.

5. The deal now passes to the next player on the left, and a new hand is played by repeating steps 1-4.

First team reaching 300 points wins the game. If both teams have 300 or more points, the team with the most points wins the game. If teams have identical scores in excess of 300, a sudden-death hand is played to determine the winner.
File size: 2937856
Minimum OS version: 16.0
Release Date: 1631948400000
Published by Bradley Johansen
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