App Profile: POINT - Volunteer near you

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POINT - Volunteer near you
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Reviews: What People Think About POINT - Volunteer near you
Rating: 4/5
I love seeing startups doing work that actually makes an impact, as I aspire for the same one day. This is one of those companies. The app has some room for improvement. Putting in address on signup, but it not being applied as the anchor address for events; server response times need improvement (it’s timed out twice) or some load balancing. But other than those two issues, I didn’t see much else wrong so far. Great UI, easy to use. Hope the criticism is useful. Great job, keep it up. Can’t wait to get involved in some of these events.
Rating: 4/5
I just started using this app and find the interface to be pretty good! The following things would make it much better (IMO), in order of importance to me: 1. Ability to see what personal info is public vs private, or “view page as” function. I’m asked for my address - who can see this??? 2. Calendar integration to add events I’ve volunteered for. 3. Ability to choose more than one “cause” theme. 4. Ability to choose search radius and set it as permanently, so I don’t have to redo this every time I look at opportunities. 5. Ability to block/omit events/organization I’m not interested in. This will obviously be more important as more events/users are added. Overall it’s functioned well for me so far and I’m grateful for the opportunity to use it.
Rating: 4/5
I like Point and the idea of Point, but as a Point admin I am frustrated that I can’t add or manager volunteers / events in the app. I also can’t do it on my phone in my browser either. I have to get my computer out. This just a minor inconvenience.
About POINT - Volunteer near you
POINT is one app to volunteer for any cause.
We’re your starting point to do more good.

How does POINT work?

There are 20 cause categories on POINT (think: poverty, education, homelessness, climate, etc.) and you can choose to follow any, or all, of them. Local volunteer opportunities related to the causes you pick will show up on your feed. You can also discover all the local nonprofits working for a specific cause by clicking into the icon.

Your volunteer feed is personalized based on the causes you pick, and you can filter by the times you’re free. Find an event you’re excited about? Simply tap "go” and show up. POINT will tell you all the information you need to know on the app, before you arrive.

See who else is going to volunteer, so you know you won’t show up alone. You can meet new people from your community, or you can share the event with your squad (because hey, sometimes you need to shake things up).

Along with the POINT app, nonprofits and other organizations have access to the POINT dashboard, where they can post events and manage volunteers. More at
File size: 40747008
Minimum OS version: 13.4
Release Date: 1523389278000
Published by POINT Global
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