App Profile: On My Own

Android / Games / Puzzles
On My Own
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Reviews: What People Think About On My Own
qpwprjrnrn r
Rating: 4/5
Now I enjoy this game as the survival side of it is fun and there is difficulty in surviving, I found myself dying quickly the first time I played and watched videos on how to get food. The thing is, it’s just kinda boring after awhile of playing the game and note I never bought the biomes but just the main place is very repetitive if you’ve played it enough times. And I think that adding a reward system or a achievement system would be cool, like if you make everything you can for one biome you maybe might half unlock the next place, and to fully unlock the next place you might have to survive for 4-6 years or something like that. But you could still leave in the biome money thing and still make money. But that’s just my thoughts and opinions so thank you and have a good day!
Rating: 3/5
This game was fun at first, I bought the pack and played it for a while. There’s a lot of problems with this game too though. First, survival games are supposed to be about exploration and finding food and water and stuff like that. This game has no point in exploration, you can walk upwards for hours and see nothing but trees and bushes, not even a hill! Secondly, you have no health. The bear can literally attack you and you don’t even die. You just have a negative effect on you for a few days. I mean, c’mon. Thirdly, you can’t craft ammo. You can make wimpy arrows for the bow, but not bullets. So essentially you get a gun but you can only shoot it for a certain number of times. The energy part of this game is stupid. Whenever you walk for a while or chop down a tree or fish or something like that you lose energy. Once you’re completely out, you magically appear back at your cabin and go to sleep. You can also gain energy back by eating energy bars. You get a few of those at your initial spawn, but you can only gain more by watching ads. It’s just dumb. Plus the devs kinda gave up on this game ‘cause the haven’t updated it in a long time. I’m sorry that I spent this whole review criticizing this game, but it seriously needs some work.
Rating: 3/5
I haven’t played a lot of the game I don’t think, but enough to get through winter. There should be a way to discover crafting recipes so you don’t have to feel like you’ve cheated by looking online. The map is very very drab. The same kind of landscape with varying patterns. Nothing beyond what you see walking around your cabin. I really wanted to like this game and I kind of do, I guess I just haven’t really discovered what it takes to take off in the game. I bought the biome pack. I didn’t notice any difference in game play. Seems like you’ve got a good infrastructure there just needs to be more to do, because right now I see two different plants, trees of a few visual variety but do the same thing. 5 or so different animals, a clunky crafting system and very clunky controls on iOS. It just isn’t much. I’ll try the other biomes if I can but I probably won’t be playing much more of this title. I would if there were suggestions or hints. But I really don’t have anything to go on. I thought what would be a thing to do in real life in this situation? The landscape never ends and there are no points of interest….Good Luck!!
About On My Own
Craft your own tools and manage your resources in this tranquil survival adventure. Charming naturescapes and original music frame your quest to conquer the mountain as you endeavor to make the most of your “one wild and precious life".

Game Features:

• Craft unique items that will aid in survival

• Trap and hunt wild game to survive

• Explore 4 different biome levels

• Throwback visual style with modern game effects

• Inspiring original soundtrack

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File size: 100740096
Minimum OS version: 12.0
Release Date: 1420248081000
Published by On My Own
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