App Profile: Town of Plainfield, Indiana
Android / Games / Puzzles
Town of Plainfield, Indiana
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About Town of Plainfield, Indiana
The Town of Plainfield mobile application is an interactive app to help connect residents and visitors to the municipal government by offering easy ways to report an issue, find out about events, pay utility bills, and connect to public safety departments while also staying up-to-date on the latest news and information.
The app is a public outreach effort developed to improve transparency and increase communication within our citizens. The app is not intended to be used to report emergency situations.
The app is a public outreach effort developed to improve transparency and increase communication within our citizens. The app is not intended to be used to report emergency situations.
File size: 62345216
Launched countries: USCAMX
Minimum OS version: 16.0
Release Date: 1716447600000
Published by Town Of Plainfield
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