App Profile: FiddleQuest Hub
Android / Games / Puzzles
FiddleQuest Hub
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About FiddleQuest Hub
The FiddleQuest Hub is a forum for fiddle teachers, parents and students using the FiddleQuest curriculum. The Hub is where you can get answers to any question you might have about learning to play (and teach) the fiddle. It is particularly helpful for parents who don't have a background in music and want to support their child in lessons.
This FiddleQuest Hub app will allow you to receive notifications (if you wish) when someone messages you or replies to a question you submit.
This FiddleQuest Hub app will allow you to receive notifications (if you wish) when someone messages you or replies to a question you submit.
File size: 121973760
Minimum OS version: 11.0
Release Date: 1708588800000
Published by FiddleQuest
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