App Profile: The Masters Fellowship
Android / Games / Puzzles
The Masters Fellowship
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About The Masters Fellowship
The Master’s Fellowship is an association of pastors and missionaries bound together by love for the Living Word, The Master, our Lord Jesus, the church for which He died, and the bold proclamation of the exposited written word. The Fellowship’s purpose is to support the mission and leadership of the local church by connecting and networking like-minded pastors and missionaries who share core biblical convictions of doctrine and praxis.
The Master's Fellowship App allows our pastors to communicate with one another, both locally and around the world. Furthermore, the app provides helpful networking tools like chat rooms, the church finder, access to our giving platform, and helpful video content.
The Master's Fellowship App allows our pastors to communicate with one another, both locally and around the world. Furthermore, the app provides helpful networking tools like chat rooms, the church finder, access to our giving platform, and helpful video content.
File size: 35217408
Minimum OS version: 12.2
Release Date: 1698476400000
Published by The Master's University and Seminary
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