App Profile: DodgeCity First Baptist Church
Android / Games / Puzzles
DodgeCity First Baptist Church
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About DodgeCity First Baptist Church
With the DCFBC app you can listen to hours of Bable-based preaching by our father-son team of Pastors: Steve and Heath Ormord. Our mission is to proclaim The One and Only God of Life, so you can know The God of Life and experience The God of Life.
No matter how you are connected with our Church Family, you'll want to make sure you have easy access to our app on your home screen so you can stay informed and connected all through the week, and have access to messages, events, online giving, and more.
No matter how you are connected with our Church Family, you'll want to make sure you have easy access to our app on your home screen so you can stay informed and connected all through the week, and have access to messages, events, online giving, and more.
File size: 35680256
Minimum OS version: 12.2
Release Date: 1682060400000
Published by First Baptist Church of Dodge City, Kansas
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