App Profile: Liberation Philology Russian

Android / Games / Puzzles
Liberation Philology Russian
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Reviews: What People Think About Liberation Philology Russian
Rating: 5/5
This app is separates itself from all other Russian language apps in the sense it takes the learner a many steps further from privyet and kak delo. It teaches the leaner how to conjugate verbs and most importantly drills you on the conjugations of nouns. I am so glad it teaches me different cases of nouns. It is very clear that the developer knows exactly how the grammatical structure of the Russian language works, and as an experienced learner of Russian I am very happy with the technical grammatical drills. To be honest the app needs some more work. I would like the words and lessons to be better categorized. Otherwise splendid work and as an advanced leaner of several languages I highly recommend if you are an intermediate or advanced learner. Большой спасибо!
Rating: 5/5
This app provides 200 levels of vocab learning with English-Russian and Russian-English practice. Syllabic stress is indicated for correct pronunciation. Other helpful settings on the app delve further into case declination. I have found it to be a useful tool for a dedicated language learner.
Rating: 5/5
A good resource to use in conjunction with other learning materials.
About Liberation Philology Russian
Liberation Philology Russian helps you improve your knowledge of the Russian language through practice-driven memorisation.

Whenever you have your phone and a free moment, it offers a continuous multiple-choice test on Russian vocabulary, declension of nouns, and conjugation of verbs. Each answer you give is immediately confirmed or corrected, and your knowledge is reinforced by repetition.

• Vocabulary: 223 levels, each testing the meanings of ten Russian words. Interspersed among these are cumulative levels reviewing what has been learned earlier (giving a total of 252 levels.

• Nouns: Tests your ability to parse and to decline all types of Russian nouns.

• Verbs: Tests your ability to parse and to conjugate all types of Russian verbs.

Russian words are displayed in the Cyrillic alphabet or optionally transliterated. A further Reference module allows you to review the vocabulary word-list and the noun and verb paradigms.
File size: 1463296
Minimum OS version: 13.0
Release Date: 1367006371000
Published by David Arthur
Website url:
Publisher country: Canada
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