App Profile: Andy Woods Ministries App
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Andy Woods Ministries App
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Reviews: What People Think About Andy Woods Ministries App
Rating: 5/5
This man is steeped in biblical history. If you are truly wanting to learn he will certainly help you do that. He has an understanding of the Bible like few do.
Rating: 5/5
Dr. Woods is one of the great pastors and teachers of our time. I’ve been a baptist pastor’s kid my entire life, and while I obviously knew the basics of the Bible, due to growing up in Church, being introduced to Andy’s teaching has put the Bible in a new light. Almost as if my previous knowledge was high school level, and Woods increased that to graduate school level. He is the only pastor I know to cite sources in the middle of a sermon. (I guess he got so accustomed to that practice through his doctorate level education) He is fantastic at teaching what others believe, giving them an honest representation of their view, and he’ll explain why he agrees or disagrees, using the biblical text. Any Christian would greatly benefit from the teachings of Dr. Woods. Those in and around Sugarland Texas who have the ability to attend this Church have no idea how good they have it. I would do *anything* for this Church to be within even a two hour driving distance. To whom much is given though, much is required. I fear many (maybe even myself if I’m honest) love this teaching and gain so much from it, and we don’t put to practice what we learn. That won’t bode well for us at the Judgement Seat of Christ.
In conclusion, you can’t go wrong here. I’m not going to say I’ve agreed with literally every single thing he’s ever said, as even he at some points disagrees with people who he greatly respects, but overall, he’s the best teacher I’ve found. He has the Gospel correct, which is the most important, and he is the best teacher on prophecy that I know. Thank-you Dr. Woods!
About Andy Woods Ministries App
This app will help you stay connected with Andy Woods Ministries and his teachings. With this app you can: watch or listen to past teachings; stay up to date with push notifications; share your favorite messages via Twitter, Facebook, or email; and download messages for offline listening.
File size: 48868352
Minimum OS version: 13.4
Release Date: 1658991600000
Published by Andy Woods Ministries (Apps)
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