App Profile: Trash Card Game

Android / Games / Puzzles
Trash Card Game
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Reviews: What People Think About Trash Card Game
Rating: 3/5
This game is easy and fun, but often locks up after ads and you lose that game and have to start over. It needs to have a “continue game” option, when opening. Bummer, that I’ll have to try to find a similar game and quit this one. Fun game to play with friends or family and a deck of cards (maximum 4 players per deck of cards.)
Rating: 5/5
I absolutely love this game. Wether it be online or in real life. I was taught this game when I was a child at my one doctor’s office as a theraputic technique. Ever since then I have been addicted to this game. I taught a bunch of my friends how to play and I play it every day with my advocate. She was the one who told me about it online and I searched the app store for a version. I stumbled upon this and I love the characters and the game itself. It is a blast to play. I cannot get enough of it. It rocks!
Rating: 2/5
While I understand that the game is free, the developer is obviously cashing in on the ads that appear every time the AI wins a hand. I am ok with ads in a free game, however, this game was developed with such a lopsided AI component, it’s comical. The number of J’s pulled by the AI are exponentially more than what is pulled by the human player, Ada well as the AI pulling the cards needed at a remarkably higher rate than the human player. Suggestion to the developer, let the game be one based on 50/50 chance (like it’s offline origins), and let the ads roll on an algorithm that has nothing to do with winning or losing. I’ll be removing the game until that happens.
About Trash Card Game
Trash (aka garbage) is an easy but super fun two-player card game.

Play trash against 10 unique AI opponents or play multi-player with friends.

1. Ten cards are dealt to each player face down
2. The first player draws a card from the deck
3. If Ace thru 10, place the card on the matching location
4. The face down card underneath is flipped and place on top
5. If matching location is open, place that card next
6. Keep going as long as matching spaces are open...
7. Jacks are wild... put them anywhere you want
8. If a card can't be placed, trash it and the next player goes
9. If opponent trashes a card you want, you can take it
10. The first player to flip all locations wins the round!
11. Next round, the winner gets one less location
12. When a player wins 10 rounds, they win the match!
File size: 114882560
Minimum OS version: 12.0
Release Date: 1642924800000
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