App Profile: ELITE EYE QB
Android / Games / Puzzles
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Reviews: What People Think About ELITE EYE QB
Rating: 5/5
Just epic, aliens, rocketship arena; this is so creative and fun!
Test your skills with the SKILLZ platform and win real tournaments today. Become an E-sports legend with elite eye qb.
The aliens had been observing humanity for years, and they were fascinated by our sport of football. They decided to abduct some of the best FOOTBALL players to play a game of football in space for their lives. The players were understandably terrified, but they agreed to do it anyway.
The game was intense, and the players were exhausted by the end. But in the end, the aliens declared Earth's team the winners. The players were returned to Earth, where they became legends. Play to become a legend of your own!
The aliens had been observing humanity for years, and they were fascinated by our sport of football. They decided to abduct some of the best FOOTBALL players to play a game of football in space for their lives. The players were understandably terrified, but they agreed to do it anyway.
The game was intense, and the players were exhausted by the end. But in the end, the aliens declared Earth's team the winners. The players were returned to Earth, where they became legends. Play to become a legend of your own!
File size: 294170624
Launched countries: US
Minimum OS version: 13.0
Release Date: 1671177600000
Published by SEG UNIVERSE
Website url:
Publisher country: US