App Profile: Site Takeover-strategy io game

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Site Takeover-strategy io game
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Reviews: What People Think About Site Takeover-strategy io game
Ukulele Lover S.
Rating: 4/5
I love the game it’s so fun however I wish that changing the costumes also changed the color of your towers or that there was some other way to change your color because always being blue gets boring.
Rating: 1/5
Your game is trash. For one a player has to watch too many videos to build up coin to their attackers. Second the game cheats because towers gain bodies really fast like they are with 20 towers and they only have one. Finally you have to update your towers like 30 time to pass one level so that means that you are watching videos for money. You are watching 2 or 3 videos to update a tower one time. imagine how many videos you have to watch to update 20 times for one play
Rating: 1/5
Your game is trash. For one a player has to watch too many videos to build up coin to their attackers. Second the AI towers gain bodies while the player is attacking without having another tower providing backup. Finally even after you upgrade your attackers it takes such a high level upgrade to even remotely beat the AI towers that the player is attacking. I am surprised that anyone would take the time to play this game for an extended period of time!!!!
About Site Takeover-strategy io game
Site Takeover is a casual puzzle strategy game that you need to do everything you can to make your soldiers more aggressive in order to attack your enemies
The game contains: infantry - long gunners - cavalry, three classes of mutual restraint, the use of strategy in the confrontation to prevail until the victory of all opponents;
The game operation is simple, sliding fingers connecting the two barracks to increase the number of soldiers;
The faster the barracks are higher than the speed of the soldiers, the sooner you have to raise your barracks;
Play brain-burning interesting, each barracks out of the maximum three fronts, the formulation of operational strategies, the deployment of troops to show strategic talent;
Innovative play and a large number of levels of integration, to enjoy this ultra-casual strategy game.
File size: 153109504
Minimum OS version: 10.0
Release Date: 1624431600000
Website url:
Publisher country: China
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