App Profile: JMLF iTransform
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JMLF iTransform
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About JMLF iTransform
We believe that learning and practicing good values in relationship with others is the cornerstone of connection and success.
We created iTransform to facilitate connection between individuals around values-based content. Our goal is to encourage and inspire people to see potential in themselves and collectively impact their communities with positive values.
iTransform is a platform that delivers free and customized content from leadership expert, Dr. John C. Maxwell, and friends. With hundreds of podcasts, articles, and courses available in the Explore section, iTransform gives you the tools you need for lasting personal change. In addition, iTransform facilitates peer-to-peer learning through personal reflection and in-person group discussion.
Launched in English and Spanish (with more languages on the way!), it has never been easier to customize your learning experience by favoriting content, taking notes, completing surveys, and answering thoughtful questions.
We created iTransform to facilitate connection between individuals around values-based content. Our goal is to encourage and inspire people to see potential in themselves and collectively impact their communities with positive values.
iTransform is a platform that delivers free and customized content from leadership expert, Dr. John C. Maxwell, and friends. With hundreds of podcasts, articles, and courses available in the Explore section, iTransform gives you the tools you need for lasting personal change. In addition, iTransform facilitates peer-to-peer learning through personal reflection and in-person group discussion.
Launched in English and Spanish (with more languages on the way!), it has never been easier to customize your learning experience by favoriting content, taking notes, completing surveys, and answering thoughtful questions.
File size: 97680384
Minimum OS version: 12.0
Release Date: 1634972400000
Published by John Maxwell Leadership Foundation
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