App Profile: Dark Scream FINAL Episode
Android / Games / Puzzles
Dark Scream FINAL Episode
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Reviews: What People Think About Dark Scream FINAL Episode
Rating: 3/5
This game is a work in progress. I think the game itself can be higher quality. There are some lags, and i think that there should be more levels. But overall, i’d say this game is pretty fun! 🤩 I see that there are a lot of complaints about ads. I have a trick to get rid of random ad pop ups. All you have to do it turn off your wifi and cellular data and no ads will show up.
Rating: 4/5
So i would give dark ice scream final epis… a 4 out of 5 because it was pretty good i mean i enjoyed it quite honestly but it didnt get five because honestly the ice cream man/clown (make up your mind by the way) was kinda freaky! So i would recommend to anyone who doesnt have bi-polar disorder😇
tiktok tik best
Rating: 4/5
Hi there this game is really fun and good 😂👍❤️but stop the ads there more annoying then my English teacher
About Dark Scream FINAL Episode
The original app description is this:
The scariest adventure ever ends here! Solve the last episode enigma and save the kidnapped child! The evil ice cream man has planned an evil enigma. He kidnapped many childs and wants to conquer the whole neighborhood with his ice power! Will you be able to free all the rapted kids and end with the evil ice cream man in jail? Try tour best! Enjoy the final episode where the story ends... and put an end to all the evil in town!!! We trust your abilities! But most of all... Have fun!
The scariest adventure ever ends here! Solve the last episode enigma and save the kidnapped child! The evil ice cream man has planned an evil enigma. He kidnapped many childs and wants to conquer the whole neighborhood with his ice power! Will you be able to free all the rapted kids and end with the evil ice cream man in jail? Try tour best! Enjoy the final episode where the story ends... and put an end to all the evil in town!!! We trust your abilities! But most of all... Have fun!
File size: 425358336
Minimum OS version: 9.0
Release Date: 1613116800000
Published by 北京微联宝科技有限公司
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