App Profile: Moj izlet

Android / Games / Puzzles
Moj izlet
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About Moj izlet
Spremenite vaše raziskovanje Slovenije v še večje doživetje!
Aplikacija "Moj izlet" je z vami vedno na poti in vas sproti obvešča o lokalnih znamenitostih, posebnostih, dogodkih in možnostih kulinaričnih postankov v vaši bližini.
Lačni? Brez skrbi. Aplikacija poišče najbližje restavracije. Ste za hiter skok v bazen? Aplikacija najde bližnja termalna zdravilišča. Vas zanima kulturno dogajanje? Hitro preverite seznam dogodkov in prireditev v okolici. Hkrati pa vas "Moj izlet" opozarja tudi na trenutne prometne razmere na cestah, tako da boste še hitreje prišli na želeni cilj.
Kaj ponuja mobilna aplikacija "Moj izlet"?
Vedno aktualne informacije o lokalnih znamenitostih, posebnostih in dogodkih.
Zemljevid interesnih točk, s podrobnimi informacijami in možnostjo navigacije do točke.
Informacije o zastojih in delu na cestah, ki vam lahko skrajšajo čas potovanja.
Make your exploration of Slovenia an even greater experience!
The "Moj izlet" is always on the move with you and informs you about local sights, specialties, events and the possibilities of culinary stops in your area.
Hungry? No problem. The app finds the nearest restaurants. Do you want to jump in the pool right away? The app finds the nearest thermal baths. Are you interested in cultural events? Quickly check the list of events and activities in the area. At the same time, the app "Moj izlet" also warns you about the current traffic situation on the roads so that you can reach your desired destination even faster.
What does the "Moj izlet" mobile application offer?
Always up-to-date information about local attractions, specialties and events.
Map of the sights, with detailed information and the possibility to navigate to the point.
Information about traffic jams and road works, which can shorten your travel time.
Aplikacija "Moj izlet" je z vami vedno na poti in vas sproti obvešča o lokalnih znamenitostih, posebnostih, dogodkih in možnostih kulinaričnih postankov v vaši bližini.
Lačni? Brez skrbi. Aplikacija poišče najbližje restavracije. Ste za hiter skok v bazen? Aplikacija najde bližnja termalna zdravilišča. Vas zanima kulturno dogajanje? Hitro preverite seznam dogodkov in prireditev v okolici. Hkrati pa vas "Moj izlet" opozarja tudi na trenutne prometne razmere na cestah, tako da boste še hitreje prišli na želeni cilj.
Kaj ponuja mobilna aplikacija "Moj izlet"?
Vedno aktualne informacije o lokalnih znamenitostih, posebnostih in dogodkih.
Zemljevid interesnih točk, s podrobnimi informacijami in možnostjo navigacije do točke.
Informacije o zastojih in delu na cestah, ki vam lahko skrajšajo čas potovanja.
Make your exploration of Slovenia an even greater experience!
The "Moj izlet" is always on the move with you and informs you about local sights, specialties, events and the possibilities of culinary stops in your area.
Hungry? No problem. The app finds the nearest restaurants. Do you want to jump in the pool right away? The app finds the nearest thermal baths. Are you interested in cultural events? Quickly check the list of events and activities in the area. At the same time, the app "Moj izlet" also warns you about the current traffic situation on the roads so that you can reach your desired destination even faster.
What does the "Moj izlet" mobile application offer?
Always up-to-date information about local attractions, specialties and events.
Map of the sights, with detailed information and the possibility to navigate to the point.
Information about traffic jams and road works, which can shorten your travel time.
File size: 7291904
Minimum OS version: 15.0
Release Date: 1593068400000
Published by Emporij d.o.o.
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