App Profile: Txt.edit

Android / Games / Puzzles
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Reviews: What People Think About txt.edit
Ty Dirden
Rating: 5/5
The app is simple and nails its purpose (which is refreshing!) I had a couple suggestions / noticed a small bug which I emailed to the developer. He responded promptly and had already fixed or planned fixes for several of the issues.
Rating: 5/5
A simple text editor that’s integrated with the files app that doesn’t want to charge me a monthly fee to use, plus it’s GORGEOUS! Well worth the money!
Rating: 5/5
A fantastic text editor. Clean interface, easy to use, great features and simple operation. An unfussy app that does its job without distraction. Worth it at twice the price, and a steal at current cost.
About txt.edit
txt.edit is the simple text editor that's been missing in iOS and iPadOS.


• Open and save files stored on your iPad, iCloud or any connected service

• Supports syntax highlighting for 191 languages (see below for a complete list)

• Comes with 242 beautiful themes


1c, abnf, accesslog, actionscript, ada, angelscript, apache, applescript, arcade, arduino, armasm, xml, asciidoc, aspectj, autohotkey, autoit, avrasm, awk, axapta, bash, basic, bnf, brainfuck, c, cal, capnproto, ceylon, clean, clojure, clojure-repl, cmake, coffeescript, coq, cos, cpp, crmsh, crystal, csharp, csp, css, d, markdown, dart, delphi, diff, django, dns, dockerfile, dos, dsconfig, dts, dust, ebnf, elixir, elm, ruby, erb, erlang-repl, erlang, excel, fix, flix, fortran, fsharp, gams, gauss, gcode, gherkin, glsl, gml, go, golo, gradle, groovy, haml, handlebars, haskell, haxe, hsp, http, hy, inform7, ini, irpf90, isbl, java, javascript, jboss-cli, json, julia, julia-repl, kotlin, lasso, latex, ldif, leaf, less, lisp, livecodeserver, livescript, llvm, lsl, lua, makefile, mathematica, matlab, maxima, mel, mercury, mipsasm, mizar, perl, mojolicious, monkey, moonscript, n1ql, nestedtext, nginx, nim, nix, node-repl, nsis, objectivec, ocaml, openscad, oxygene, parser3, pf, pgsql, php, php-template, plaintext, pony, powershell, processing, profile, prolog, properties, protobuf, puppet, purebasic, python, python-repl, q, qml, r, reasonml, rib, roboconf, routeros, rsl, ruleslanguage, rust, sas, scala, scheme, scilab, scss, shell, smali, smalltalk, sml, sqf, sql, stan, stata, step21, stylus, subunit, swift, taggerscript, yaml, tap, tcl, thrift, tp, twig, typescript, vala, vbnet, vbscript, vbscript-html, verilog, vhdl, vim, wasm, wren, x86asm, xl, xquery, zephir
File size: 4848640
Minimum OS version: 13.0
Release Date: 1590735600000
Published by Titans of Industry
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