App Profile: Space Marshals 3
Android / Games / Puzzles
Space Marshals 3
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Reviews: What People Think About Space Marshals 3
Rating: 4/5
I have been loving this series, honestly a little addicted. It’s a fun story, great gameplay and replay ability with good incentives and rewards. Fun and diverse play style with option between two guns and two throwables(explosives and support). Each version, Space Marshals 1, 2, and 3 have nice shifts and improvements. 1 already being strong. 2 with stealth take downs, Ava storyline, and the vending machine. Three with improving stealth takedowns and stealth function overall, improved vending machine and adding stores, adding bounties, reorganizing level selection, and hard mode. I would love to see an Ava story line added for three as well.
My only complaint so far is that in 3 there is no way(I can currently tell) to see which level I achieved max level on or if I bought the gear from the store. So I am having to play every level over again getting 5 stars to find the one I did not get 5 stars on. It would be nice to have the percentage meter from 1 & 2 to be carried over into 3. That said I do like the level layout more over the planet option before. The planet option was cool idea but challenging to find what level I was looking for. 3s level selection is much improved just needs a percentage meter.
Thanks! Looking forward to 4!
Ps: the price is worth it but please keep it affordable and more in the $3 range per levels like the bounty and Ava pack. Thanks 😁
Rating: 3/5
First of all, I am a huge fan of this series as I finished the first two games from start to finish 100%.(Even for the ava dlc for sm2) However as we all know the prices went up for the full game and tbh at first I thought it was justified as the games visuals looked better and it looked more polished than before. However after playing through the game(chapter 1 and 2), especially on chapter 2, I remember playing 3 throwaway missions that even takes place in a map that looks identical with just some different layout where your objective is to just simply take out the enemies. Now I’m not going to say every single missions on the first two games were perfect what so ever but if you’re charging more money for the game you should at least put more effort into the missions and design. Plus some of the missions are way too short with small maps. However overall I did have a good time playing the game just not the level of enjoyment I had in the first two games. I’ve seen a lot of people hating on the gear limit system but I personally think it was a nice system added to the game as removing op weapons on the game made it more balanced in a way. Now if sm4 comes out in the future I wish you bring back the old transaction as being a 1 time purchase for the full game(and additional for dlc content) thank you.
Rating: 5/5
PixelBite did it again. I just finished the first chapter and I loved it! This so far is the best game of the 3. The genius gear rank system keeps space marshals balanced and rewarding. When I first wrote this review I was skeptical about the price. But I must say it was worth it because the step up in price certainly matches the step up in quality. The graphics are much improved with the gameplay being slightly improved. It just feels more deliberate as the level design keeps improving as well. All things considered Space Marshals 3 is overall a great game. I highly recommend any to purchase the whole game.
Some thing I highly request for future updates is multiplayer. I know that’s a huge request but it would be so much fun if ever possible. There could be PVP, co-op bounties, and heists. Or if you could assemble a crew with friends and compete for the highest rank against other crews doing things I mentioned. All of it could be used to acquire gear and weapon customization but for online multiplayer or a fancier crew hideout. Just a thought. My other thought was if you introduced a level designer. That would give this game practically unlimited potential. Maybe something for the future.
About Space Marshals 3
Join the rowdy Space Marshal crew on their latest misadventure in outer space. Strap those boots on, gear up and get ready to hunt space crooks!
This is a story driven action game with an emphasis on stealth and tactical combat. It continues the quirky story from the prequels, but you don't need any previous knowledge to enjoy this one.
Try the first couple of levels out for free before you decide if this is for you. We're a small indie studio developing this game and we'll have to release it one chapter at the time. Each chapter will be sold separately, but there won't be any other in-app purchases. We hope you'll enjoy the game!
Use the environment to your advantage. Avoid attacks by taking cover. Flank enemies for extra efficiency, but avoid getting flanked yourself! Use the tools of the trade to gain an edge - distractions, smoke grenades, flash bangs, traps and much more...
Choose your approach carefully. Some say running into the fray, guns blazing, isn’t always the answer. Use distractions to single out opponents. Use stealth take-downs and silenced weapons to covertly reduce the enemy numbers. Hack gun turrets to turn on their masters. Lure different enemy factions together and let them fight each other.
Choosing your load-out is a big part of your tactics. In addition to body armor and grenades you can carry one two-handed and one single-handed weapon - and there’s something for everyone. Big ones, small ones, loud ones, silenced ones, beaming ones, bouncy ones and more.
This is a story driven action game with an emphasis on stealth and tactical combat. It continues the quirky story from the prequels, but you don't need any previous knowledge to enjoy this one.
Try the first couple of levels out for free before you decide if this is for you. We're a small indie studio developing this game and we'll have to release it one chapter at the time. Each chapter will be sold separately, but there won't be any other in-app purchases. We hope you'll enjoy the game!
Use the environment to your advantage. Avoid attacks by taking cover. Flank enemies for extra efficiency, but avoid getting flanked yourself! Use the tools of the trade to gain an edge - distractions, smoke grenades, flash bangs, traps and much more...
Choose your approach carefully. Some say running into the fray, guns blazing, isn’t always the answer. Use distractions to single out opponents. Use stealth take-downs and silenced weapons to covertly reduce the enemy numbers. Hack gun turrets to turn on their masters. Lure different enemy factions together and let them fight each other.
Choosing your load-out is a big part of your tactics. In addition to body armor and grenades you can carry one two-handed and one single-handed weapon - and there’s something for everyone. Big ones, small ones, loud ones, silenced ones, beaming ones, bouncy ones and more.
File size: 1556193280
Launched countries: BHCYMTRS
Minimum OS version: 13.0
Release Date: 1604563200000
Published by Pixelbite
Website url:
Publisher country: Sweden