App Profile: Match Cards - concentration

Android / Games / Puzzles
Match Cards - concentration
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Reviews: What People Think About Match Cards - concentration
Peaches 1968888
Rating: 4/5
Really fun game, helps my thinking skills. Wish you had more themes animal, Christmas, etc
About Match Cards - concentration
Match Cards

What is Match Cards?
Match Cards, also known as Match Match, Match Up, Match Cards, Pelmanism, Shinkei-suijaku, Pexeso, Pairs, or Matching Game, is a card game where the goal is to find cards with matching illustrations.

What is the purpose of Match Cards?
- Work on visual recognition and image association
- Develop logical-mathematical cognitive skills (matching pairs)
- Improve visual discrimination (identifying two identical images)
- Activate specific reasoning skills

How does a game of Match Cards unfold?
The Match Cards are shuffled and spread face down on the table.
This Match Cards game has a classic and extended mode:
- In the classic mode, the goal is to find matching pairs of cards.
- In the extended mode, the goal is to find trios of cards.

To play Match Cards, the player flips over cards of their choice:
- If the cards match, they remain flipped over.
- If the cards do not match, they are flipped back over.

The game of Match Cards ends when all cards have been matched.

Related Topics to Match Cards:
Related to: Match Match, Match Up, Match Cards, Pelmanism, Shinkei-suijaku, Pexeso, Pairs, or Matching Game

Thank you for installing and playing with this Match Cards.

If you have any questions about this Match Cards, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

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File size: 30696448
Minimum OS version: 15.1
Release Date: 1574451664000
Published by Sebastien Becker
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