App Profile: OTP mobile banking HR

Android / Games / Puzzles
OTP mobile banking HR
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Reviews: What People Think About OTP mobile banking HR
Rating: 3/5
No support for iPhone X and newer resolutions, lacks functionality compared to Internet banking, Face ID sign-in and the design is totally outdated - just to name a few down sides...
About OTP mobile banking HR
"Croatian HR:
Uz OTP mobilno bankarstvo (OTP m-banking) vaše financije su vam uvijek nadohvat ruke: kod kuće, na poslu, na putu, u kafiću - 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u tjednu, gdje god poželite. Jednostavno instalirajte ovu aplikaciju na vaš mobilni uređaj i uđite u vlastitu poslovnicu OTP banke kad god vama to odgovara. Uz to štedite vaš novac, jer plaćanje računa putem OTP m-bankinga je 80% povoljnije nego u poslovnici.
Usluge OTP m-bankinga:
Zadavanje eurskih platnih naloga u banci i izvan banke uz mogućnost najave
Zadavanje eurskih platnih naloga uz skeniranje 2D barkoda ili učitavanjem iz galerije uređaja
Pohrana i ažuriranje predložaka platnih naloga (u banci i izvan banke)
Pregled i plaćanje pristiglih e-računa
Kupoprodaja deviza
Kupovina prepaid GSM bonova
Prijenos na/sa Visa i Mastercard prepaid kartica
Prijenos na kreditnu karticu
Prijenos na kredit
Pregled podataka o računima i promet računa
Pregled zadanih naloga po statusu i željenom periodu
Pregled detalja bankovnih kartica i promet po računu bankovnih kartica
Pregled detalja aktivnih kredita
Pregled detalja oročenja
Pregled stanja udjela u investicijskim fondovima, uz ostale korisne informacije
Pregled aktivnih trajnih naloga
Pregled i izmjena tajne riječi na sustavu banke (služi za autentifikaciju korisnika na daljinu – najčešće u svrhu reaktivacije usluge m-banking i/ili m-token)
Prijava u aplikaciju i autorizacija transakcija korištenjem biometrije
Pristupanje donacijskom programu OTP Zaokruži
Pristupanje programu vjernosti OTPetica
Dostava potvrde plaćanja na e-mail adresu
Tečajna lista
Kalkulator depozita, kredita i valuta
Pristup korisničkoj podršci (mailbox, video i audio poziv, telefonski poziv)
Razne korisne informacije i automatske poveznice

Po odobrenju zahtjeva, link za preuzimanje aplikacije i inicijalna zaporka koja je potrebna za njenu aktivaciju bit će vam dostavljena putem SMS poruke na vaš mobilni uređaj.

With OTP Mobile Banking (OTP m-banking), your finances are always at your fingertips: at home, at work, on the road, at the cafe - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, wherever you want. Simply install this application on your mobile device and enter your OTP Bank's branch office whenever it suits you. In addition, you save your money because billing through OTP m-banking is 80% cheaper than in the bank's branch.

OTP m-banking services:
Overview of account information and turnover
Issuing EUR payment orders (internal or external), with a delayed payment option
Issuing orders for internal transfers
Issuing of a payment order by scanning 2D bar code or uploading code from the device's gallery
Saving and updating of payment orders and internal transfer templates
Foreign currency sale or purchase
GSM prepaid
Overview of given orders by status and by selected period
Receipts delivered to e-mail address
Transfer of funds to/from Visa web and Mastercard prepaid card
Transfer to the revolving card account
Overview of details of bank cards and related accounts turnover
Overview of details of existing loans
Overview of details of existing savings
Overview of standing orders or direct debits
Overview of balance of units in investment funds, with other useful information
Exchange list and currency calculator
Deposit calculator
Loan calculator
User support (phone call, video, audio, text chat)
Access to OTPetica loyalty program
Access to OTP Round Up donation program
Login and transaction authorization using biometics

Upon request approval, the download link for the application and the initial password required for its activation will be delivered to you via SMS to your mobile device."
File size: 87018496
Minimum OS version: 10.0
Release Date: 1541708859000
Published by OTP banka d.d.
Website url:
Publisher country: Croatia
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