App Profile: Zes-EV Station Network

Android / Games / Puzzles
Zes-EV Station Network
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Reviews: What People Think About Zes-EV Station Network
Rating: 1/5
UX anlaminda berbat bir uygulama yapip, icinde (ingilizce kullananlar icin) adres'te "district" kart bilgilerinde "Card Alias" gibi karsiligi birebirde tutmayan terimler kullanip, kart girilmeye calisildiginda girilemeyen, girilmedigi gibi "Please check for highlighted items" uyarisi verip highlight etmeyen, dolayisiyla bir ihtiyac olan araci sarj etme eylemine imkan tanimayan zorunlu bir uygulama. Kimse sistemin sonsuza kadar bedava olmasini tabiki beklemiyor ama en azindan aracin ulasimi icin gerekli olan elektrige para vererek almak isteyen kitleye sisteminizde direttiginiz uygulamanizin calisir oldugunu kontrol edip, calisiyorsada boyle inovatif bir girisimcilik fikrine daha az ilkel bir uygulama yapip live a atsaydiniz.
Rating: 2/5
App içinde kendi konumunu göremiyorsun. Rota oluşturma opsiyonu çok güzel olurdu.
Rezervasyona geldiğinde karşılama olsa iyi olurdu. Özellikle izmir otobanında rezervasyon yaparken şarj noktaları çok karışıyor. Birden fazla şarj cihazının olduğu istasyonlarda, cihazlar numaraladırılmamıştı. Defalarca uyardık, sonunda numara koymuşlar. Hala çok belirleyici değil.
Rating: 5/5
Plug share, Tesla super charger vs neredeyse ABD’de tüm şarj hizmetlerini kullanmış Türkiye’de 2012 den beri elektrikli otomobil ve şarj sistemlerini kullanan birisi olarak uygulamayı çok başarılı buldum. Zaman içinde çok daha iyi olmasını bekliyorum. İngilizce bilmeyenler için biraz daha dil düzenlemeleri yapılması faydalı olur düşüncesindeyim. Başta ücretsiz başlayıp sonra ücretli olmasını ise memnuniyetle karşıladım zira diğer şarj istasyonlarının gelişmesine faydası olacaktır. Arkasında güçlü bir grubun olduğu ücretsiz şarj istasyonu modeli ülkede şarj istasyonu gelişimini engeller. Bu yüzden yeni uygulamaya kredi kartı ile ödeme konulması çok iyi gelişme. 7 senedir kullandığım diğer ilk şarj istasyonu ağında hala banka transferi ile veya telefon ederek ödeme yapmak zorunda kalan birisi olarak yeni eklemeyi memnuniyetle karşıladım. Tebrikler
About Zes-EV Station Network
Download the Zes app and enjoy uninterrupted drive with your EV!
Zorlu Energy offers a seamless intracity and intercity driving experience for the EV owners with its brand “Zes” (Zorlu Energy Solutions), established to introduce new generation technologies
We invest in the necessary infrastructure to help increase the number of electric car users in Turkey and to ensure that they receive quality service. All charging stations in Turkey with Zes we provide the use of electric vehicles easily.
You can drive comfortably and in the fastest way without worrying about the range of your car thanks to Zes charging points located in whole Turkey's cities. You can charge your Porsche Taycan, Tesla Model S, Tesla Model X, Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model Y, BMW i4, Renault ZOE, Jaguar i-pace, Fiat 500e, Kia EV 6, Togg, Hyundai IONIQ, Skywell, Megane e-Tech and all other electric cars at Zes charging stations.
Zes Services:
View Charging Stations: You can view charging stations nearby and check their availability.
Make Reservations: For the first time in Turkey, Zes allows you to reserve any of the available charging stations to recharge your car.
Start Charging with QR Code: When in the charging station, you can easily start charging your car by scanning the QR code using your phone.
View the Charge Status: View and track the charge status of your electric car instantly through the mobile application.
Pay Easily: You can easily make your payment by adding your credit card to the application.
View Charging History: You can view the overall charging history of your electric car.
Charging Solutions for Your Home and Workplaces: You can submit a request to have your electric car charged at your home or workplace with Zes charging stations.
For further information about Zes, you can reach us at 0850 339 99 37 (24/7 Call Center) or send an email to [email protected].
Zorlu Energy offers a seamless intracity and intercity driving experience for the EV owners with its brand “Zes” (Zorlu Energy Solutions), established to introduce new generation technologies
We invest in the necessary infrastructure to help increase the number of electric car users in Turkey and to ensure that they receive quality service. All charging stations in Turkey with Zes we provide the use of electric vehicles easily.
You can drive comfortably and in the fastest way without worrying about the range of your car thanks to Zes charging points located in whole Turkey's cities. You can charge your Porsche Taycan, Tesla Model S, Tesla Model X, Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model Y, BMW i4, Renault ZOE, Jaguar i-pace, Fiat 500e, Kia EV 6, Togg, Hyundai IONIQ, Skywell, Megane e-Tech and all other electric cars at Zes charging stations.
Zes Services:
View Charging Stations: You can view charging stations nearby and check their availability.
Make Reservations: For the first time in Turkey, Zes allows you to reserve any of the available charging stations to recharge your car.
Start Charging with QR Code: When in the charging station, you can easily start charging your car by scanning the QR code using your phone.
View the Charge Status: View and track the charge status of your electric car instantly through the mobile application.
Pay Easily: You can easily make your payment by adding your credit card to the application.
View Charging History: You can view the overall charging history of your electric car.
Charging Solutions for Your Home and Workplaces: You can submit a request to have your electric car charged at your home or workplace with Zes charging stations.
For further information about Zes, you can reach us at 0850 339 99 37 (24/7 Call Center) or send an email to [email protected].
File size: 39855104
Minimum OS version: 15.0
Release Date: 1534413078000
Published by Zes Digital A.Ş.
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