App Profile: Shape games for kids toddlers
Android / Games / Puzzles
Shape games for kids toddlers
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Reviews: What People Think About Shape games for kids toddlers
Rating: 5/5
My toddler has been an “endless reader” fan; at 17 months, though, she started to get bored with “endless reader” and started to prefer this app.
She laughed hysterically the first time that she saw the alligator munching down shapes; she also loves picking out which game to play.
My wife and I are happy that our daughter can sort shapes; order shapes by size and is also learning how to sort shapes by color or orientation.
Rating: 3/5
I have several apps from Toya Tap and Tiny Hands. I like them but prefer the Tiny Hands apps (especially their two “First Words”) because there’s more descriptive voiceover when child makes a correct choice so I believe that makes for a better learning experience. Background sounds such as voice and/or music can be muted if necessary on both brands. May seem pricey to some but lasts longer than most coffee drinks at the same price, lol and NO Ads!
Rating: 3/5
My daughter really enjoyed the two free levels you get when you download, so I decided to pay the $4.99 for it. I NEVER buy things in the Apple store, but thought why not. I thought by purchasing it I would unlock a lot more than just 10 more shape games. I’m disappointed that for 4.99 there isn’t more content. Many other games like this provide way more content if purchased for the same amount as this. Great game but I would say save your money because it’s not enough content for 5 bucks.
About Shape games for kids toddlers
SHAPES! is a game designed to help toddlers get acquainted with the geometric shapes that form the world around us. Toddlers and preschoolers are invited to play and enhance their motor skills and visual perception in a colorful, fun environment.
All game boards were artfully created to delight children and inspire curiosity. The game is simple enough for children to operate independently, however, for a more fulfilling learning experience, it is recommended that a parent will accompany the gameplay.
At ToyaTap, we believe that learning should be fun and that entertainment should be educational. We work with leading artists, seasoned engineers, and educational professionals to create the best educational games for toddlers and babies. We set out on a journey to inspire curiosity - we hope you join us!
All game boards were artfully created to delight children and inspire curiosity. The game is simple enough for children to operate independently, however, for a more fulfilling learning experience, it is recommended that a parent will accompany the gameplay.
At ToyaTap, we believe that learning should be fun and that entertainment should be educational. We work with leading artists, seasoned engineers, and educational professionals to create the best educational games for toddlers and babies. We set out on a journey to inspire curiosity - we hope you join us!
File size: 75723776
Launched countries: US
Minimum OS version: 12.0
Release Date: 1533140373000
Website url:
Publisher country: Israel