App Profile: Socode - Source Code Viewer

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Socode - Source Code Viewer
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Reviews: What People Think About Socode - Source Code Viewer
Rating: 5/5
I opened a Matlab code and this app didn’t recognize it. When I choose Matlab manually, the file’s highlight changed immediately but then stuck there, forever...
Rating: 4/5
So far haven&#39;t had any issues with the app. It would be awesome if one could open a file when previewing a searched variable/function that may exist in a different file. Multiple tabs would also be great.
C++ Wizard
Rating: 1/5
I tried multiple times to import the emacs mirror on github and it didn&#39;t work.
About Socode - Source Code Viewer
# What is Socode?

Socode is a source code reader designed for iPhone, iPad devices. You can view the source code on your mobile device anytime, anywhere.

# Features

- Syntax Highlighting. View source code files, with native colors.
- support 185 programming languages.
- Over 88 themes to choose from.
– Import from / export to other apps.
- Import from AirDrop.
- Import from iTunes.
- Upload from browser.
- Import repositories from GitHub.
- Document Outline (class, function...).
- Common Document Preview Support.
- SQLite Database file Preview.
- Support file, text search
- Sort by file date, size, name, type
- View Source Code of a Webpage in Safari

# Supported Languages

1C, Abnf, Accesslog, Actionscript, Ada, ArcGIS, AngelScript, Apache, Applescript, Arduino, Armasm, Asciidoc, Aspectj, Autohotkey, Autoit, Avrasm, Awk, Axapta, Bash, Basic, Bnf, Brainfuck, Cal, Capnproto, Ceylon, Clean, Clojure, Clojure Repl, Cmake, Coffeescript, Coq, Cos, Cpp, Crmsh, Crystal, Cs, Csp, Css, D, Dart, Delphi, Diff, Django, Dns, Dockerfile, Dos, Dsconfig, Dts, Dust, Ebnf, Elixir, Elm, Erb, Erlang, Erlang Repl, Excel, Fix, Flix, Fortran, Fsharp, Gams, Gauss, Gcode, Gherkin, Glsl, Go, Golo, Gradle, Groovy, GML, Haml, Handlebars, Haskell, Haxe, Hsp, Htmlbars, Http, Hy, Inform7, isbl, Ini, Irpf90, Java, Javascript, Jboss Cli, Json, Julia, Julia Repl, Kotlin, Lasso, Ldif, Leaf, Less, Lisp, Livecodeserver, Livescript, Llvm, Lsl, Lua, Makefile, Markdown, Mathematica, Matlab, Maxima, Mel, Mercury, Mipsasm, Mizar, Mojolicious, Monkey, Moonscript, N1Ql, Nginx, Nimrod, Nix, Nsis, Objectivec, Ocaml, Openscad, Oxygene, pgSQL, Parser3, Perl, Pf, Php, Pony, Powershell, Processing, Profile, Prolog, Protobuf, Puppet, Purebasic, Python, .Properties, Q, Qml, Plaintext, R, Rib, Roboconf, Routeros, Rsl, Ruby, Ruleslanguage, Rust, ReasonML, Scala, Scheme, Scilab, Scss, Shell, Smali, Smalltalk, Sml, Sqf, Sql, Stan, Stata, Step21, Stylus, Subunit, Swift, SAS, Taggerscript, Tap, Tcl, Tex, Thrift, Tp, Twig, Typescript, Vala, Vbnet, Vbscript, Vbscript Html, Verilog, Vhdl, Vim, X86Asm, Xl, Xml, Xquery, Yaml, Zephir

# Supported Themes

Agate, Arduino Light, A11y Dark, A11y Light, An old hope, Arta, Ascetic, Atelier Cave Dark, Atelier Cave Light, Atelier Dune Dark, Atelier Dune Light, Atelier Estuary Dark, Atelier Estuary Light, Atelier Forest Dark, Atelier Forest Light, Atelier Heath Dark, Atelier Heath Light, Atelier Lakeside Dark, Atelier Lakeside Light, Atelier Plateau Dark, Atelier Plateau Light, Atelier Savanna Dark, Atelier Savanna Light, Atelier Seaside Dark, Atelier Seaside Light, Atelier Sulphurpool Dark, Atelier Sulphurpool Light, Atom One Dark Reasonable, Atom One Dark, Atom One Light, Brown Paper, Codepen Embed, Color Brewer, Darcula, Dark, Darkula, Default, Docco, Dracula, Far, Foundation, Github, Github Gist, GML, Googlecode, Grayscale, Gruvbox Dark, Gruvbox Light, Hopscotch, Hybrid, Idea, Ir Black, ISBL Editor Dark, ISBL Editor Light, Kimbie Dark, Kimbie Light, Lightfair, Magula, Mono Blue, Monokai, Monokai Sublime, Nord, Obsidian, Ocean, Paraiso Dark, Paraiso Light, Pojoaque, Purebasic, Qtcreator Dark, Qtcreator Light, Railscasts, Rainbow, Routeros, Shades of Purple, School Book, Solarized Dark, Solarized Light, Sunburst, Tomorrow, Tomorrow Night, Tomorrow Night Blue, Tomorrow Night Bright, Tomorrow Night Eighties, Vs, Vs2015, Xcode, Xt256, Zenburn

# Supported document

- Microsoft Office documents - .doc, .ppt., .xls, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx
- Apple Pages、Numbers、Keynote
- Common media format

# Please send to us your feedback at [email protected]
File size: 20440064
Minimum OS version: 13.0
Release Date: 1523229998000
Published by Huizhou Jiqu Technology Co., Ltd.
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