App Profile: Electronics Toolkit!

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Electronics Toolkit!
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Reviews: What People Think About Electronics Toolkit!
Rating: 4/5
I would give this 5 stars but don’t use a white font on an almost white background!
Rating: 3/5
im the dummy here i opened the app. saw all the features and upgraded to pro only to find the app perfprms no calculations you tap tap ohms law then you pointlessly check boxes like I and R fully expecting a keyboard to pop up where you enter values, but nothing happens, you hit the F(x) button and it shows all the permutations of ohms law. Wikipedia has more data nformation and provides better answers. It’s also outdated, none of the versions of PICO are in ncuded with pin outs. My recommendation would be to leave it, but if you want a pile of formulas at your fingertips, this might work for you.
Alucard K.
Rating: 3/5
This app has some good calculators for resistance, capacitance, and other common things. Also has color codes for resistors and other things. Comes with a lot of good basic stuff and pin outs for raspberry pi and arduino but those pin outs are too simple. And it has a section for ICs but there are very few that are actually there in comparison to what I as a hobbyist use on the regular. Don’t buy the premium version ya it’s cheap but you don’t get much more and to me it’s not worth it.
About Electronics Toolkit!
Electronics Toolkit is a helpful app with dozens of tools, calculators and references made for electronic engineers, students and hobbyists.


• Resistor color codes - calculate the resistance of resistors by selecting the colors of the bands

• SMD resistor codes - calculate the resistance of SMD resistors by entering the number

• LED resistor calculator - calculate the needed resistance to connect en LED to a power source

• Parallel resistors - calculate the resistance of resistors in parallel

• Voltage divider - calculate the output voltage of a voltage divider

• Series resistors - calculate the resistance of resistors in series

• Ohm's law - calculate the voltage, current of resistance by entering the other two

• Capacitance calculator - calculate the capacitance, voltage or charge by entering the other two

• Battery discharge - calculate the time it takes to discharge a battery

• Inductor color codes - calculate the inductance of inductors by selecting the colors of the bands

• Parallel capacitors - calculate the capacitance of capacitors in parallel

• Series capacitors - calculate the capacitance of capacitors in series

• Unit converter - unit converter for length, temperature, area, volume, weight, time, angle, power and base

• Op-amp calculator - calculate the output voltage of non-inverting, inverting, summing and differential opamps

• Wheatstone bridge - calculate the resistance of one resistor in a balanced bridge or calculate the output voltage

• Inductor codes - calculate the inductance of inductors by entering the number

• Capacitor codes - calculate the capacitance of capacitors by entering the number

• DAC and ADC calculator - calculate the output of digital-analog and analog-digital converters

• Wavelength frequency calculator - calculate the frequency or wavelength of a wave

• SI prefixes - convert numbers with SI prefixes

• Capacitor energy - calculate the energy in a capacitor

• Slew rate calculator - calculate the slew rate

• Star delta transformation - calculate the resistors in a star delta transformation

• Zener calculator - calculate the resistance of the resistor and voltage of the zener

• Air core inductor calculator - calculate the inductance and wire length of an air-core inductor

• 555 timer calculator - calculate the frequency, period, duty cycle, high time and low time of a popular 555 timer circuit

• Plate capacitor calculator - calculate the capacity of a plate capacitor

• Resistance to color code calculator - calculate the colors on the resistor by entering the resistance

• LM317 - calculate the output voltage of an LM317

• Low pass filters

• Wire resistance - calculate the resistance of an electrical wire

• RMS voltage

• Decibel calculator


• Logic gates - truth table of the 7 logic gates with interactive buttons

• 7-segment display - an interactive display that you can change by clicking on one of the segments or by clicking on a button to show a hexadecimal character

• ASCII - decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal and char ASCII table

• Resistivity - table with the resistivity of common metals at 293K

• Arduino pinout

• Pinout diagrams of 4000 and 7400 series ICs
File size: 24625152
Minimum OS version: 11.0
Release Date: 1519990869000
Published by Davey Hollenberg
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