App Profile: Infinite French

Android / Games / Puzzles
Infinite French
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Reviews: What People Think About Infinite French
Rating: 5/5
I’ve been learning French on and off for years, but this app makes it a lot more fun, and is therefore more motivating! It’s mainly just vocab, so if your planning on learning the language itself I would recommend using an app like Doulingo along with this one. Also, here’s a tip- whenever your playing, repeat the words so you memorize it faster and also improve your pronunciation.
Melanie Sparkle
Rating: 5/5
I have never seen an app so awesome. Like if you want you can pay only $4.99 which is crazy cheap compared to other French learning apps. And it’s sooooo easy to learn. Because you’re playing games that a pretty fun. Anyways I recommend this app to a lot of people. It’s fun and easy and the best it is free unless you wanna unlock more stuff it is only $4.99.
Rating: 4/5
An important part of some languages is the gender of the noun. This determines the grammar of how sentences are put together, but this app doesn’t show the gender. Maybe including “the” or “a” when the word is dropping down is too much, but why can’t we see “the” or “a” in the static list of words where there is no time limit. If this feature was implemented I would consider paying for the paid version of the app.
About Infinite French
Learn French by playing fun and interactive games in space! Infinite makes learning the most common words of French easy and fun with it’s game-first method of learning.

• Learn French without using English, just like a native!

• Gain mastery of words by being tested on the audio, text, and images individually.

• Quicken your word recall by answering questions against the clock.

• 30 second levels allow for learning no matter how much time you have.

• Customize your review by selecting words from any category to be tested on.
File size: 41349120
Minimum OS version: 13.0
Release Date: 1512263806000
Published by Jernung
Website url:
Publisher country: US
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