App Profile: Noul Raiffeisen Smart Mobile

Android / Games / Puzzles
Noul Raiffeisen Smart Mobile
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Reviews: What People Think About Noul Raiffeisen Smart Mobile
Rating: 5/5
Atât in noua aplicatie pentru mobile banking cât si în noua platforma pentru internet banking lipseste rubrica pentru codul SWIFT/BIC. Fārā acest identificator nu se pot face transferuri cātre multe destinatii care nu folosesc IBAN (SUA, Australia, Noua Zeelandā, etc.). Dacā echipa de IT considerā cā pamântul este plat si la marginea Europei cazi în abis, atunci codul SWIFT este într-adevār inutil. Desi scoasā din contextul original expresia se potriveste bine situatiei, “Think globally, act locally”. În momentul de fatā plātesc pentru un sevici care nu îmi este de folos.
În baza rāspunsului primit de la developer îmi cer scuze pentru sarcazm. Am încredere cā lucrurile vor decurge “without a hitch” la viitoarea încercare de a efectua un transfer transatlantic.
Rating: 5/5
Rating: 2/5
Legacy widgets were phased put in iOS 18, please update the widget to the new standard that has been introduced since iOS 14!!
About Noul Raiffeisen Smart Mobile
Enjoy Raiffeisen Smart Mobile - smart banking - wherever you are!
Here are some of the benefits of Raiffeisen Smart Mobile:
• You can open your account and become a client straight from your phone, 100% online.
• Intuitive interface: Easily find anything you need.
• Secure authentication and authorization: Use PIN, fingerprint, or FaceID when registering your device.
• Smart Hour - BNR exchange rates: Exchange between RON and EUR at the NBR exchange rate from Monday to Friday 10:00 - 11:00.
• Application personalization: Personalize the Dashboard using a simple "drag & drop" feature. Optionally hide the balance for your accounts or change your username.
• Instant payments: Send payments that reach the destination in 10 seconds. Available 24/7/365 for all banks enrolled in the instant payments system.
• Saving Box: Automatically save money with every card payment and earn interest. Choose how much to save for each payment.
• Smart Search: Easily find and repeat past payments.
• Control over your cards: Block, reissue, or view your card PIN with just one touch.
• Direct access to the Smart Market loyalty app: Get rewards such as cashback, discounts, vouchers, and loyalty points.
• Future payments: Schedule future payments, set up direct debit bill payments, or save them as templates.
• Access to products for your daily needs: Open current accounts, savings accounts, and term deposits with ease. Get a personal loan, Flexicredit, 100% online in about 10 minutes.
• Smart investments: Purchase Raiffeisen Asset Management unit funds if you have already signed a contract and have the required documents.
• Push notifications: Receive instant updates on money going in or out of your current accounts or payments made with your card.
• SmartToken: Safely authenticate and authorize payments, 100% online, with Raiffeisen SmartToken.
• Pay utility bills: Multiple convenient ways to pay utility bills, including quick payment, barcode scanning, direct debit, and pre-filled payment forms. Top-up your prepaid mobile plan as well!
• Update personal data: Easily update necessary data directly within the application. No phone calls or bank visits required!
These are just some of the benefits offered by Raiffeisen Smart Mobile! Make sure to always have the latest app version installed from the app store to enjoy all the continuously added new features.
Here are some of the benefits of Raiffeisen Smart Mobile:
• You can open your account and become a client straight from your phone, 100% online.
• Intuitive interface: Easily find anything you need.
• Secure authentication and authorization: Use PIN, fingerprint, or FaceID when registering your device.
• Smart Hour - BNR exchange rates: Exchange between RON and EUR at the NBR exchange rate from Monday to Friday 10:00 - 11:00.
• Application personalization: Personalize the Dashboard using a simple "drag & drop" feature. Optionally hide the balance for your accounts or change your username.
• Instant payments: Send payments that reach the destination in 10 seconds. Available 24/7/365 for all banks enrolled in the instant payments system.
• Saving Box: Automatically save money with every card payment and earn interest. Choose how much to save for each payment.
• Smart Search: Easily find and repeat past payments.
• Control over your cards: Block, reissue, or view your card PIN with just one touch.
• Direct access to the Smart Market loyalty app: Get rewards such as cashback, discounts, vouchers, and loyalty points.
• Future payments: Schedule future payments, set up direct debit bill payments, or save them as templates.
• Access to products for your daily needs: Open current accounts, savings accounts, and term deposits with ease. Get a personal loan, Flexicredit, 100% online in about 10 minutes.
• Smart investments: Purchase Raiffeisen Asset Management unit funds if you have already signed a contract and have the required documents.
• Push notifications: Receive instant updates on money going in or out of your current accounts or payments made with your card.
• SmartToken: Safely authenticate and authorize payments, 100% online, with Raiffeisen SmartToken.
• Pay utility bills: Multiple convenient ways to pay utility bills, including quick payment, barcode scanning, direct debit, and pre-filled payment forms. Top-up your prepaid mobile plan as well!
• Update personal data: Easily update necessary data directly within the application. No phone calls or bank visits required!
These are just some of the benefits offered by Raiffeisen Smart Mobile! Make sure to always have the latest app version installed from the app store to enjoy all the continuously added new features.
File size: 186340352
Minimum OS version: 15.0
Release Date: 1543778830000
Published by Raiffeisen Bank Romania S.A.
Website url:
Publisher country: Romania