App Profile: Math Balance School: Fun Games

Android / Games / Puzzles
Math Balance School: Fun Games
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Reviews: What People Think About Math Balance School: Fun Games
Rating: 5/5
This is a wonderful app from the Makkajai team. I played just a couple of rounds with my 7 year old daughter and she got a hang of it. She now enjoys playing the game on her own almost daily for 10 odd mins. What I like about the game is that it is easy to stay focused on the actual Math part of the game. Great work Makkajai team 👏
Rating: 1/5
I open it and just have a character come in and then nothing happens. Nothing to press. nothing to do. Very angry at this waste of money when it looked like it was going to be good.
About Math Balance School: Fun Games
Mental Math is fun with Math Balance - kids help Toby reach home by balancing bridges and while they have fun, they also learn about equality/comparison, gain flexibility with numbers and practice skills that are essential for understanding algebra.

Note: Mental Math School is designed for Teachers and for those parents who prefer upfront paid apps to in-app purchases; also useful for Family sharing, since in-app purchases are not supported in Family sharing.

This mental math game with 30 levels will help your child get necessary fluidity with numbers. Your child will learn things like addition can happen in any order for the same result, or that sum of different numbers can add up to be the same number. They will also end up having to use different number strategies, such as bridging and compensation which can significantly speed up their mental math computations.

These are the skills covered by Math Balance -

- Developing meaning of equal sign, using, greater than and less than sign
- Set up numbers in their expanded form
- Commutative property of addition and, later, using it and expanded form as a strategy to add ex: 67+25 = 60+7+20+5 = 80+12 =92
- Missing Addend strategies:x+b=c, where x is to be found, situations where difference is unknown, where there is a bigger unknown and where there is a smaller unknown -one step problems
- Showing that addition and subtraction are inverse; 4+5=9, 9-5=4
- Use only doubles, Use only even/odd numbers to get to a total
- 1 step word problems -Change unknown, Result unknown, Start unknown
- add a string of two-digit numbers (up to four numbers) by applying place value strategies and properties of operations.
Example: 43 + 34 + 57 + 24 = __
- Using concrete models to show addition and subtraction
- Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100–900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100–900
- Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction
- Multiplication as repeated addition

For those who follow the Core curriculum, this maps to the following core standards - 2.OA.B.2, 2.NBT.4, 2.OA.2, 1.OA.6, 2.OA.C.3, 2.OA.1, 2.NBT.6, 2.NBT.7, 2.NBT.8, 3.NBT.2.

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File size: 132993024
Minimum OS version: 9.0
Release Date: 1497845786000
Published by Makkajai Edu Tech Private Limited
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Publisher country: India
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