App Profile: TestMaker: make your own quiz

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TestMaker: make your own quiz
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Reviews: What People Think About TestMaker: make your own quiz
:) isabella
Rating: 5/5
Overall very good app. Is is the best from all i have chosen. I thing that is very helpful if there is, is to add a shuffle questions function. When I’m creating a vocabulary workbook there might be hundreds of vocabulary and I don’t want to start at the same question and pattern every time so it will help people to memorize. Really hope you will see this comment and at the function ! Thanks for the fantastic app
Rating: 5/5
So far this app is super easy to create exams. As an educator I’m seriously thinking about purchasing the add free app. It’s a great tool for students to get instant feedback on their answers. I use it to create questions for me to use to study for exams also. Definitely try it out
Rating: 4/5
First of all, not bad, but the app needs to offer more settings, like be able to share your tests to the public. The app also needs to allow the user to have better controls to make tests. I find making tests very boring, there needs to be a way to make the tests faster. There needs to be a daily or weekly test that the game offers the user to play. Which then can make a public score for the user. This game needs a lot work to get it were it needs to go, but for now, not a bad start.
About TestMaker: make your own quiz
This app is an app that can make a collection of questions their own.

Since there are two types of questions the form of a short question and selection question, you can solve the question in the quiz sensation.

Image pasted to the question statement, because there are a variety of options, such as automatic generation of choice in the selection question, you can customize the questions to their liking.

In addition, since there is also a text file-test conversion function, you can edit the questions in the PC, or you can send a tests to a friend.

In addition, you can buy removeAd function.

● The main purpose of use
- Memorization of foreign languages ​​such as English words
- Archaic memorization
· Official of memorization
History memorization
• Periodic test preparation
- Junior high school test preparation
And high school test preparation
Center Exam
- Memorize for qualification acquisition
- Your own memorization book creation

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Sound effects 魔王魂
Image Material icons
File size: 143225856
Minimum OS version: 12.0
Release Date: 1486426564000
Published by QuizMarket
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