App Profile: ENYO

Android / Games / Puzzles
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Reviews: What People Think About ENYO
Rating: 5/5
Gameplay is extremely simple and straightforward. Graphics are two dimensional and stylized cartoons. The soundtrack is short and on repeat. There’s a total of only ten levels in normal gameplay. Those might be reasons you’d be tempted to pass this over as a tactical game. This is a brisk, brutal game where you likely will fail many times. It rewards, though. It’s addictive. The music and the graphics fit the mood and the theme perfectly, no matter how seemingly simplistic. While simple, challenge escalates quickly, and there are modes beyond the normal mode to explore. And the gameplay hits that careful sweet spot where it’s just challenging enough to keep one playing at it over and over (and still fail most of the time) yet incredibly approachable and rewards being observant and experimenting. Really, my only lament is that this game is a huge battery drain when playing. It means my attempting to binge play it as I return to it has a governor on the binge length. And that’s the real tragedy of the game. At some point, you have to take a break because your battery will force you to.
Rating: 5/5
I love how the game is strategic in your moves and attacks with the different enemy attacks, the placement of obstacles, and your own planning abilities. The art style is awesome, and the monsters are really cool in their design. I have two ideas to add tho 1 - Add power ups such as a sword to be able to run into enemies and kill them with one hit, health power ups, and maybe even bombs like the alligator type bomber enemies. I think adding this mechanic to getting the Golden skull for three kills would be the best way to incorporate power ups like these, and have them drop on a random square that you have to get to so you can get and use them to add a little more challenge to using them. 2 - Add some kind of monetary system to be able to buy power ups to start off with or to buy retries and resurrections Could you see about adding these ideas? It would really enhance the gameplay
Rating: 5/5
I’ve been playing this game on and off for…at least 5 years. I’ll get obsessed with another game and play it incessantly. But I always find myself returning back here. The relative simplicity of the controls and rules belies a hidden complexity. I discover small new things every so often; Just last week I realized that I can propel myself toward the shield-bearing cyclops with the hook, over lava, and cause an area effect without harm. I want to continue playing this into my greying years, I feel that it’ll help me stay sharp, as the the apps geared towards that endeavor can’t hold my attention like this game does. Every iOS update, I’m afraid that this will disappear. I’m even thinking of freezing an old device on an version of iOS that it can’t upgrade from, to keep this forever, if that would even work. Thank you for putting this together. It’s an old reliable that has gotten me through a lot.
About ENYO
ENYO is a tactical roguelike about hook & shield combat.

Grab your hook & shield and descent as Enyo, the greek goddess of war, into an ever changing labyrinth to recover 3 legendary artifacts.

ENYO's gameplay is based on the idea of indirect combat. Enemies can only be defeated by pushing or pulling them into burning lava pits or deadly spiked walls.

While staying accessible through the limited amount of actions a player can take, the core of ENYO are highly tactical turn based battles. To enter the highscore leaderboards for each of the 3 game modes you are tasked to master your weapons and create powerful chain combos through clever maneuvers.
File size: 95663104
Minimum OS version: 11.0
Release Date: 1472679901000
Published by Arnold Rauers
Website url:
Publisher country: Germany
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