App Profile: Bopomofo - pinyin to zhuyin

Android / Games / Puzzles
Bopomofo - pinyin to zhuyin
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Reviews: What People Think About Bopomofo - pinyin to zhuyin
Rating: 5/5
One of the few Zhuyin apps out there. Considering it’s a free app, more features get added over time that make the learning patterns set in
Rating: 4/5
The app says to use for 5 minutes a day and after two weeks, you’ll know bopomofo. This is true. I’ve only been doing the exercises for three days and I read bopomofo/zhuyin much quicker than ever before! It is a very useful learning tool. I recommend it for anyone who wants to know zhuyin/bopomofo better. The only thing is that the review feature (under the glasses icon) doesn’t seem to work properly. I can’t find a record of the words/sounds I have seen in the game. There’s just a list of words that say “0 views”
Rating: 4/5
In learning bopomofo, I keep coming back to this app. As it’s the only one I enjoy. However, the controls remain unintuitive and transitions slow between learning stages. While the direct learning is great, the functionality requires clarity, bigger buttons, more promptness in changing or rendering. I’m hopeful for the programs future.
About Bopomofo - pinyin to zhuyin
If you are trying to master zhuyin (bopomofo) transcription system, you can learn to match pinyin and corresponding zhuyin in this little game.

Spend 5 minutes a day playing this game and in two weeks you'll know bopomofo.

To play just find and tap on all matching pairs of pinyin and zhuyin.

We have many more games to help you learn Chinese, you can get more information on our site
File size: 118329344
Minimum OS version: 9.1
Release Date: 1461249989000
Published by Iaroslav Mironov
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